UV-C Technology

Ultraviolet (UV) light is the part of electromagnetic spectrum that falls between X-Rays & visible light.
There are 3 types of UV energy naturally produced by the sun (A, B, and C) but UV-C is the most effective at sterilizing microbes.  However the sun’s UV-C energy is absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere, so you need a separate light source to create UV-C.
When microorganisms are exposed to UV-C light (200 - 280 nanometers) this energy damages and effectively neutralizes them because they can no longer reproduce or infect.  The FDA states that:  “... Because [UV-C] disinfection kills most recognized pathogenic microorganisms, it can generally be inferred that sterilization and disinfection should minimize the viability of SARS CoV-2 (as one of the least resistant microorganisms) on surfaces.”
The effective germicidal strength of UV light is called fluence, which is measured in joules (or mili-joules). The fluence value for killing different microbes varies and depends on 3 values: the strength of the UV-C light, the distance from the object to be sterilized, and the time the UV-C light is used for irradiation. Research has shown that a UV-C fluence of 60mj/cm2 can neutralize 99.9% of microbes on surfaces.